Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Short Post!

They finally removed my registration hold this evening. I've already registered for Topics in Literature: Lyrics of Bob Dylan (English Literature credit), as well as Free Expression in a Democratic Society (Peace and Justice Studies credit) for Spring semester. I'm starting to get excited. Of course I have piles of red tape to untangle so they won't drop my classes, but I'm working feverishly to prevent that.

I realized my blog posts have been insufferably long, so I'll keep this one short.

Good night.


Carrie said...

There really is a class on the lyrics of Bob Dylan?? That sounds interesting...

Cam said...

Yep! It's been so fun it hardly feels like work, but the reading schedule has been fairly heavy. It's a "Culture of People and Places" Topics in Literature class so it examines the political, cultural, literary, artistic, influences of the era. It's not just a study of the lyrics, but it does make me realize how loaded with meaning his lyrics are. I had no idea he was such an informed young artist. Pretty interesting stuff.